Disney Dreamlight Valley – Jungle Getaway Update

Before we get to the update tomorrow (I’m writing this initial intro the day before), I wanted to talk about the patch notes that went up today!

The main big content update is with Timon and Pumbaa being introduced. It’s exciting to see new quests in the realms and I hope that is something that continues as we generally rarely have anything else to do with them outside of some kind of fetch quest otherwise and even those are pretty rare.

Honestly, I still hate Star Paths and they’ve only gotten worse. Not in content (though, some may feel that way– I feel like I always find a use for things in SOME way though some more than others… That said, it’s not like I have much space to put things anymore), but in how they’re stretched out. I preferred less tasks with more rewards rather than there being so many more tasks now that it feels exhausting. Star Paths always feel more like chores for me than anything (especially as I tend to farm things up when I DO feel like grinding so a lot of Star Path tasks I’m doing just for the Star Path than as I play) and adding more and more tasks with smaller rewards increases that feeling. I’ve never found it fun and that feeling just keeps getting worse and is the largest thing that has affected me not even logging in every day anymore because it just burns me out.

Moving on, we receive more information on the Loungefly Collaboration. Considering we already received a code early, I’m guessing social media ones will be similar. I’m not too surprised some will be in the Premium Shop besides the Star Path. I’m just hoping that won’t mean you need to actually buy the Loungefly Bags to get any.

We also have confirmation for the Halloween Dates this year– October 23rd to the 31st. It’ll be quite a wait to unlock that new reward… Hopefully I still have enough of everything to knock it out quickly.

This, however, I am very much not happy about:

Adjusted available Moonstone packs to introduce a new option that includes both Moonstones and a seasonal Valley inspired cosmetic item. This pack will be offered for a limited time and different seasonal cosmetic items may be offered with future updates.

I really dislike limited time items attached to premium currency, even more so when they literally give you many ways to earn it, so you don’t feel pressured to buy it in the first place… This goes right against that and knowing this will be something kept around for the future bums me out. I hope it’ll at least be one of the cheapest bundles or a new bundle that is even cheaper than usual. I also hope that if every bundle has an item, it’s the same item and not like… a different one for higher tiers which wouldn’t be fun.

I just have rarely seen these types of things done well and knowing it’ll be a new permanent addition has me concerned, to be honest.

I already spoke about Scrooge’s shop previously, so I won’t be repeating myself.

Being able to switch the Glider with Wings is a really neat addition and I’m excited to try it out.

I’m sad about no fix to the whole Default Sludge issue though :(

That’s all I have to say about the patch notes so next up… Let’s actually get to the update.

So, I ended up getting to the update late today and to make matters work, I’m just… really sick* at the moment. Regardless, I didn’t want to waste any more time, so I hopped to it. Before I get to the actual questline to get Timon and Pumbaa, I want to talk about the new Premium Shop and Star Path stuff.

In general, checking out everything is usually what I try to do first before getting into all the new content. The Star Path really didn’t have too much I cared for, but as always, I had to grab the new Critter first (even if I only thought to take a picture later…). I also grabbed the new Fox with the Winnie the Pooh Loungefly Backpack as well.

As I feared though, the new “seasonal Valley inspired cosmetic item” is tied to a more expensive pack– the $30 one. The outfit was also very much my thing, and I desperately need it in a nice light pink.

I really just… do not like this kind of thing since it fully puts an item set only to those who can pay. Moonstones you could at least earn in-game, but you have to buy this bundle which gets priced up because of the included Moonstones and ends up the cost of an Expansion when they already seem to have more of those planned in the first place.

Regardless, with browsing over (and noting no new recipes, but at least the Default Sludge had been removed), it was time to see how to get started on the new content. First up, talking to Simba.

After a quick pitstop at Scrooge’s, I made my way back to the Lion King Realm where it can now be daytime and I noticed something interesting on the wall too…

You may recognize that drawing as Rafiki’s. Taking a photo with all seven completes a quest with Timon that gives you the Jungle Crafting Bench you end up using in the world.

One other new thing I tried while there was the new Wings gliding option which I have mixed feelings on.

It looks/works fine, but I had hoped that if you didn’t have the Wings on but picked a Wing hover, you can use it and just have the Wings appear while hovering, but it automatically equips them even when not hovering and replaces your backpack and I just… like the various backpacks more to be honest.

Regardless, it was time to meet Timon and Pumbaa where our big goal was to learn the ways of Hakuna Matata to try and figure out how to relax, something I honestly struggle with in real life too.

You essentially spend a couple of days in the realm. First with lessons from Timon and then with some from Pumbaa.

During all this though, I noticed I actually could craft the brand-new Halloween item that was teased so at the very least, I didn’t have to wait for the Event to start after all.

Our final quest in the Realm was getting Pumbaa unstuck from a Log.

With that, Pumbaa and Timon made their way to the Valley.

While normally I’d take the moment to dive right into friendship quests, but I felt so incredibly sick that after getting the reward from the Drawing quest, I took a page from Timon and Pumbaa and went to get some rest because I was feeling too awful.

After laying down for a while, I got back to it that evening starting off by maxing out Pumbaa’s friendship as he technically showed up in the Valley first. I was in love with these little fountains.

I will probably add more around…

Anyway, Pumbaa’s Friendship questline involved taking care of his Lactose Intolerance, getting him cleaned up, helping him find a new hobby, and getting everyone together to watch a meteor while also finding memories from our time in the Valley as a child.

I absolutely loved the Pedestals from his Hobby Quest and I’m so happy we could continue to craft more. I put them, and the lovely pottery work, into my museum room.

Pumbaa’s last quest, however, was locked. I figured it possibly tied into Timon’s friendship quest so I kind to working on leveling up Timon. Timon’s questline involved helping him out with his anxiety about Scar, learning about the Villain Poetry group (which sounds like something we maybe shouldn’t have actually shared… I wanted to see the Critter Documentary though :( ), and Timon’s “Leadership” Talks which honestly, the best part was going treasure hunting with Donald.

But then Timon’s quests were also locked. Checking the quest log again, I noticed a quest from Merlin about some strange bugs that would later be called “Night Mites”.

I hated these final quests. Essentially, all of this tied together with Timon’s and Pumbaa’s level 10 friendship questlines. You had to go around catching these bugs running around rapidly with some of the worst possible sounds (think like catching Cockroaches in Animal Crossing and moving furniture and more spawned but bigger, faster, and in a much wider area) and I was so… itchy and uncomfortable doing these and I hated every moment of it. You had to destroy the nests and then just… God, it was awful. I don’t even hate bugs, but I can only deal with bugs in very specific circumstances and the sounds they gave them along with how we needed to deal with them just triggered me so badly and made me feel sicker than I already had been.

Regardless, we saved the Day, got our final level 10 rewards and that was it. We also had cute messages from Timon and Pumbaa for each line of their quests helpfully written by Merlin. I enjoyed his addendums as well.

I was so caught up with everything, I forgot to put my code in for the Ghost Mickey bag until after I finished recording, but I made sure to claim it in time.

Finally, recent DreamSnaps Time:

Honestly, I’m not sure if that’s my favorite backpack, but I don’t know if I really have one. There are probably four or five I’d put as my favorites where I really wish I could mix aspects of each. The only reason I don’t use the Fox one more is the colors/general backpack style and because the ponytail is usually in its face… But I do think it’s pretty neat.

* Yep, still sick, and that’s why this post is so late. Hoping to be better soon :(