I still have mixed feelings on the whole splitting up parts of the Expansion, but at least it’s just two parts this time. the patch notes had been put out yesterday and the biggest highlight for me, as most other things I already spoke about after they were displayed in the showcase, is each of Scrooge’s stores having different stock. Hopefully that will help find more items.
Before I fully dive into everything with the Storybook Vale Expansion, I have a few of my recent Dreamsnap entries:

And I also ended up placing some of these Water Walls. I thought the color would change on a cycle, but it seems you can pick the color. I don’t know if I’ll actually keep them up (since you can’t go through them), but I’m sure they could be used nicely for some things at least.

Unsurprisingly, I hadn’t really been doing much as I’ve just been waiting for the updates. Literally all I’d pop on to do is check the shops…
Either way, it’s out now, so here we go! While I did play right away, this is an incredibly busy time of the year for me, so this post took longer than I would’ve liked to finish despite playing the moment it went up ^^;
Besides my general busy-ness, this update was honestly pretty overwhelming. While I realized they split things up into Parts 1 and 2, I didn’t expect there to be so many quests per character due to how things were set up. The fact that I tried to open up the different areas ASAP for recipe testing and Critter befriending also didn’t help.
Regardless, I’m getting a bit ahead of myself, so let’s start from the beginning. I was really excited by some of the items from the Magical Edition of the new expansion. Unfortunately, due to a bug, those items had yet to arrive… Just the items for playing the first week did.

Besides that, of course, was also a letter inviting us to go to the Storybook Vale. Before making my way there though, I did check the Premium Shop and immediately bought some of the new things because it was just… very much my aesthetic.

Once I was done checking out shops and things, it was time to actually make my way to Storybook Vale and finally head back to the Port inside the castle.

Going up the stairs, we ran into Merida who was trapped by “Inkies”– Ink that had seeped through the world from the story pages.

We were invited to talk to the Lorekeeper to try and save the world (and the Lorekeeper herself) before everything fell apart, along with hopefully finding Princess Aurora who has been missing. To do this, we received a new tool to help us catch Snippets– cute origami creatures that contained bits of the Lorekeeper’s magic.

Continuing the tutorial of the area as we fixed up the Bind, we also got Merida all moved in.

With that done, I got started on setting up a storage room for all the new items in this expansion. It’s not really as tidy as I was able to do with the last expansion, but it’ll do.

I also started the first new additions for the Museum room which are far from the last. I might need an additional museum room.

With the Bind set up to be, well, decent enough, I was off to Everafter surprisingly. I had expected to go to Mythopia first due to the mention that Maleficent wouldn’t really be seen this update, but while we can’t befriend her just yet, she got a lot more screentime than I expected. Over in Everafter, we found our first trial and honestly, it’s just quite a pretty area.

While I knew exactly where I wanted my home base to be on Eternity Isle, I don’t really know where I want it in Storybook Vale. For now, I have it in the Bind, but there are areas I really like in both Everafter and Mythopia so I’m just… not sure what I want to do yet. What area do you think fits me best?

There is also this bridge that I just adore, even though it doesn’t really work properly just yet.

After talking to the Lore Keeper, it was time to head to our first trial where we ended up finding Flynn who has clearly been through quite a bit.

I quickly got him moved in and he essentially became our guide for Everafter.

One thing I found interesting is rather than clothing/furniture, many of the chests around Storybook Vale had food items instead. I have no idea if the Cake tier thing is supposed to be that big or not.

Anyway, once we finished all the trials in Everafter, we were able to finally reach Maleficent’s Castle.

Getting her to listen to us went a lot smoother than expected. I really liked the puzzles in her castle. I was kind of disappointed that there weren’t tons of different puzzles and what specific puzzle type was reused almost every single time. There were only a small selection of different puzzles.
With that done though, it was time to head to Mythopia and talk to Hades.

I didn’t find Mythopia’s trial puzzles as enjoyable as Everafter’s. There also was just… no real variety for the most part– it was always just shifting platforms with maybe an extra mechanic or step, but the puzzle itself didn’t really change. While I love puzzles, I love puzzle variety and can get bored/burnt out when it’s just harder/extended versions of the same puzzle type over and over.
On a positive note though, we got the Magical Edition items finally! I absolutely adore this dress. I want a pink version of it so badly. That said, while I love Baby Pegasus, I still think it should be more freely available. It also didn’t seem you could buy more of his house…

During all this, I also randomly found a quest for The Beast. I didn’t really have any ideas of how to decorate so I kind of just… threw stuff down for now. I don’t think I’ll be keeping anything how it currently is set, but it worked for the moment. I was relieved that I didn’t need to do much decorating-wise for Olaf’s quest I stumbled upon as well. Main issue with his was waiting for another Owl to show up…

Regardless, it was time to get back to the main story quest and get Hades and Maleficent to try and… at least pretend to get along.

Unfortunately, Maleficent then disappeared so uh, I guess we’ll have to wait until Part 2 to figure out what to do next… I wonder if the same thing happened to Aurora. With the main story done for now, I decided to work on leveling up Flynn first.

What I was most excited about was being able to finally reunite him and Rapunzel.

Museum updates also continued and the Memory Room got a bit of an update as well. I may need to redo things for some of the new memories we got… I don’t think I’ll do another Lorekeeper one for the mome though.

Next up, I worked on Merida’s friendship quest.

And then finally, it was time for Hades’ friendship quests.

I ended up doing a few other additions around as well.

And then it’s just been trying to get all the new Critters… I just have the Dark Owl left which HOPEFULLY I should recruit tomorrow.

To finish this off, my recent DreamSnaps…

And that’s it! The next update is just a few days away and I’m excited to be able to use the Floating Island to hopefully make things a bit roomier… And less loading intensive.