Disney Dreamlight Valley – The Tales of Agrabah Update and Lucky You! Event

Continuing to get to updates later than I’d like to, I at least got my playthrough up right away. And well, now I can talk a bit about the Lucky You! Event that started earlier this week.

As always, I started off by taking a look at the Star Path and new Companions available. Besides the Companions, my favorite furniture item was probably the Relaxing Oasis Escape. That said, I’m incredibly disappointed that the bonus items have already switched from “just recolors” to having something exclusive. I already disliked the bonus item situation (and we have a new bundle bonus item as well -_-), but they said it would just be recolors and already went back on it… That said, we still have a premium store and premium currency despite the game no longer planning to be free to play so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised :/

Moving on from my critiques, our newest Critter Companions are a vacation-ready Capybara and a cute little Reindeer, both which have their own exclusive critter house as well (The Reindeer comes with theirs, but the Capybara’s is another item in the Star Path). I swear I had taken screenshots right after getting them, but I must have accidentally not saved them? So these are from more recently.

The Capybara’s animation is the same as every other Capybara, but the Reindeer has its own unique pose.

Checking this out was when I realized I never checked out two fairly important Companions for their poses which are very cute.

I love the pose we make before we pick Figaro up. I want that as a regular pose I can put on whenever.

Anyway, once I was done with the new Critters and unlocking the new floating islands, it was onto the castle for the new Aladdin Realm!

Our first goal was to find our way to Jasmine. And this was about the only time I felt I had any sense of where I was going because it only got more confusing as I went…

With pickaxe upgrade on, it was time to find our way to Aladdin.

Once thing I accidentally kept doing was sequence breaking a bit through a combination of exploring and getting lost, so I often found things before I even needed them. Similarly, instructions weren’t always clear such as needing to figure out where the gems were… when they were with the monkeys I had already seen so I was apparently supposed to go back to the group of monkeys.

Thankfully, I already found all the Golden Bananas so I was good to go for the next part and rescue Carpet.

With Carpet rescued, it was time to take down the cause of the sandstorm.

With my constant getting things before I necessarily needed them, I was so nervous about breaking something, but thankfully, I got through the quest with no issues and now, Jasmine and Aladdin were in the valley.

As for Carpet, well, he’s here too… But as a Companion. Unsurprisingly, this is his photo pose, but I’m not entirely sure how I feel about him being a companion. I guess he doesn’t really talk, but… It feels kind of weird on who is decided to be a full character in the valley vs who just becomes part of the Critter inventory.

One thing I sadly also lost the photos of were getting the keys. I do talk about it on tips page for the game. I managed to find all the keys in one go (especially as once we had to fix a few stalls for Aladdin, it was important to me to try and fix them all), though I had accidentally missed picking one up. They kind of blended in a bit when they just… dropped after finishing certain goals. I was really excited we got the Agrabah craft table as one of the rewards from unlocking the door, but kind of sad the door didn’t actually open or anything. Everything just popped out.

Anyway, with the Realm finished, it was time to give Aladdin and Jasmine more flowers than they would know what to do with to get their friendship quests unlocked. I started with Jasmine first since she technically arrived at the Valley first. Her friendship story was fairly unique as it had more to do with the Player Character than her, even though it was partially told through relating to her own experiences. I pretty much called the book inside the flower somehow belonging to us and it seems like it’ll end up leading to some kind of extended questline in the future (at least according to Merlin in the post-quest).

Once again though, it hits very close to home. On a less personal note, I hope we’ll get more sandcastle-type parts in the future. I didn’t expect the centerpiece to kind of just be a sand sculpture of her palace.

Regardless, it was then onto Aladdin’s which involved breaking into Scrooge’s Vault (to test his security system), getting our own magic carpet (which I wish we could have put some input into instead of the usual Dreamlight Valley night thorn aesthetic look), and puzzles.

The puzzle thing was a bit frustrating since I kind of figured what to do (though, it took me a second to realize the mechanics of it) and also had a feeling the perfect thing for Jasmine was bringing her along in the first place, but oh well…

Aladdin’s final quest was setting up a market with his gem stall which I’ve already had a market more or less set up completely already.

The only one not there is Tiana’s because her stall needed to be near the restaurant. And well, Gaston’s is stuck on Eternity Isle. I might move the stalls to Plaza if I end up moving some things onto a Floating Island. We’ll have to see.

Regardless, the last thing I did was increase the size of some of the rooms which I’m really excited about. I still need to do more adjustments to a lot of the rooms, but I’ve so happy for the 12×12 rooms. (Just ignore that the camera position made some tables invisible)

Anyway, as mentioned at the start of the post, the Lucky You! Event started earlier this week for the first time. I’m kind of surprised it’s only a week-long because spawns are… well, not always great and the clovers can blend in a lot to the ground, even if there are sparkles. The first ones I saw I picked up completely by accident just working on night thorn clearing.

I’m glad you could at least craft Four-leaf clovers in addition to finding them, even if it required 10 for one. There were essentially two event rewards– the shirt for getting 7 four-leaf clovers (whether by finding or crafting) and the Pot of Gold which took quite a lot of four-leaf clovers to make. It’s really pretty though.

With the new floating islands available (now making one per biome), I’m thinking more on what I want to do, but I still feel rather undecided. Right now my main thoughts are turning the Plaza Floating Island into like a Toon Town Neighborhood & Park (not sure how many rides I can actually fit though). If I can’t really fit the rides there, I could maybe use the Frost Floating Island for them as I don’t really feel the need for a whole other snowy area right now. Or maybe the Sunset Plateau Floating Island for similar reasons? I’ll have to see.

The Glade of Trust floating island is probably going to be the “Villain” area because it has water for Ursula, but I’m still kind of annoyed that you can’t really move Mother Gothel. I’m hoping they’ll change something with that and maybe let you give the big Willow Tree a bit of a makeover.

I’m debating moving my house and certain things to the Meadow Floating Island and then re-adjusting things in the Meadow currently, especially as a lot of the spawning stuff down there drives me nuts, but I also really like how it looks so I’m just incredibly undecided.

I also played around with some of the new patterns, but I think I still like my usual dress as is.

Finally, Dreamsnap time.