So, like Halloween, this is another mission-styled event where you’re given a kind of task or something you need to answer in order to get a prize. The event is from December 25th until January 6th. There are exactly 11 missions so you only have a couple of days you can miss.
You WILL spend dollars no matter what for certain objectives. You will also sometimes need to find something on the site. AP use, however, is optional.
If you pick a wrong answer, you must wait four hours or spend 50AP to try again.
You can also use 50AP to go to the next mission if you’d like. There is exactly one mission a day so I would recommend not missing a day. You also must be on University side to play the event and find items.
If you decide to pay for each mission and don’t mess up at all, it’ll cost 500AP total. You do not use up any AP for the dialogue in the event.
There are 3 Outfits– Soft Frost, Luxurious Christmas, and Winter Cocoon.

The event involves keeping your family busy and showing them the campus while also working on your studies.
Pizza Boxes – $10 (Mission 3)
Green Gemstone – $20 (Mission 6)
Snowglobe – $15 (Mission 10)
It’s $170 per Soft Frost set, $300 per Luxurious Christmas set, and $190 per Winter Cocoon Set. The Advent Calendar recolors are also available at $140 per set.
Mission 1:
Philip: That was out of the question. So, we figured that if you couldn’t come see us, we’d come here.
A. That’s sweet of you, but I absolutely must work on my thesis, today… I won’t be able to keep you company for long!
B. That’s sweet of you… Are you really going to stay until Christmas Day? <– CORRECT ANSWER
C. That’s sweet of you! I’m going to spend as much time as possible with you, but I had also planned on working on my thesis.
You will then get to pick out 1 out of 10 different colors of the Soft Frost Pendant Necklace. You can buy additional colors in the shop for $15 each.
You also get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Winter Cocoon Knit Cap. You can buy additional colors for $10 each.
Mission 2:
Everyone gets the sweaters Aunt Agatha got! If you got the Sweater from the Advent Calendar, you will automatically equip it. If not, your Candy’s outfit won’t change, but the mission will continue as if you have it anyway.
Aunt Agatha: That was out of the question. So, we figured that if you couldn’t come see us, we’d come here.
A. That sounds awesome!
B. That’s a very bad idea…
C. And what do we win? <– CORRECT ANSWER
You get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Luxurious Christmas Earrings. You can buy additional colors for $15 each.
You also get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Luxurious Christmas Jacket. You can buy additional colors for $30 each.
Mission 3:
Candy is hungry and decides to buy some Pizza. She also gets some for her family. The Pizzas costs $10.

You get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Soft Frost Sweater. You can buy additional colors for $35 each.
You also get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Winter Cocoon Thigh-High Boots. You can buy additional colors for $40 each.
Mission 4:
Auntie has hid a gift somewhere for you to find!:

It can be found on the Girls tab of the Character Page by Chani:

If you have not met Chani yet/played UL long enough, the gift may be in a slightly different position or even right at the top, but it’ll always be on the Girls tab:

You get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Luxurious Christmas Holly. You can buy additional colors for $10 each.
You also get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Luxurious Christmas Tights. You can buy additional colors for $10 each.
Mission 5:
A. Instead, how about we take my favorite blanket, get comfortably seated and watch Love Actually? <– CORRECT ANSWER.
B. Why don’t we go to the shopping mall instead. We’ll be warm and we can do our last-minute Christmas shopping!
C. How about a board game instead! I know Auntie loves playing “Dr. Pilule”.
You get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Soft Frost Skirt. You can buy additional colors for $30 each.
You also get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Luxurious Christmas Bracelet. You can buy additional colors for $10 each.
Mission 6:
Candy decides to buy a gift for Chani because Chani has been such a good friend. The Green Gemstone costs $20.

You get to pick 1 out of 6 different colors for the Christmas Eyes. You can buy additional colors for $20 each.
You also get to pick 1 out of 6 different colors for the Christmas Mouth. You can buy additional colors for $20 each.
The other colors for both of these items are located in the Luxurious Christmas section.
Mission 7:
A. You aren’t serious, are you? I’m on vacation, Dad!
B. I’d rather not. The less I see my boss, the better I feel.
C. I’m not sure it’s open. The boss said something about closing during the holidays… <– CORRECT ANSWER
You get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Winter Cocoon Sweater. You can buy additional colors for $15 each.
You also get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Winter Cocoon Pants. You can buy additional colors for $20 each.
Mission 8:
Candy is giving her mother a tour of the campus and her mother lost the gift she got her along the way so Candy has to go find it.

The gift can be found in the Boutique:

You get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Winter Cocoon Jacket. You can buy additional colors for $30 each.
As this is the last Winter Cocoon Item, you also get a choice of the Winter Cocoon Wig from 1 out of 13 different colors. You can buy additional colors for $55 each.
You also get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Soft Frost Ballet Flats. You can buy additional colors for $25 each.
Mission 9:
Administrative Officer: It’s a BIRD! I loathe birds!!! Help me! No matter how much I scream, it doesn’t want to go away.
A. (He can just handle it himself. Given how unpleasant he is on a daily basis, I feel like abandoning him right here.)
B. (I’m can’t decide… I feel like helping him, but watching him fight off the sparrow is rather enjoyable all the same.) <– CORRECT ANSWER
C. (Dang, what a klutz! I can’t leave him like that.)
You get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Soft Frost Crown. You can buy additional colors for $10 each.
As this is the last Soft Frost Item, you also get a choice of the Soft Frost Wig from 1 out of 13 different colors. You can buy additional colors for $55 each.
You also get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Luxurious Christmas Choker. You can buy additional colors for $15 each.
Mission 10:
Auntie drops the present you got her so you buy her a new Snowglobe. It costs $15.

You get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Luxurious Christmas Dress. You can buy additional colors for $95 each.
You also get to pick 1 out of 10 different colors for the Luxurious Christmas Pumps. You can buy additional colors for $20 each.
As this is the last Luxurious Christmas Item, you also get a choice of the Luxurious Christmas Wig from 1 out of 13 different colors. You can buy additional colors for $55 each.
Mission 11:
The final mission! It’s really just an end scene that leads to you getting the illustration. One interesting thing is the final scene varies based on your choice in this scene (Don’t worry though, the illustration is the same regardless of your choice!):
A. (A message from Nathaniel!) <– You spend the end of the episode with Nathaniel
B. (A message from Castiel!) <– You spend the end of the episode with Castiel
C. (A message from Priya!) <– You spend the end of the episode with Priya
D. (A message from Hyun!) <– You spend the end of the episode with Hyun
E. (A message from the university admin department…) <– You spend the end of the episode with Rayan
Whoever you end up having the end scene with will give you a Pompom Scarf. Other colors of it can be found in the Winter Cocoon section for $20 each.
And with that, you’re done!