MCL NewGen Episode 4 Guide

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– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM

Any without one of the symbols above means I don’t know. Some dialogue may be translated from my French account.

Action Points used: 1,400-1,900. Due to how personality can change prices, it’s a bit harder to calculate.
Illustrations: 5 – You can receive 2 at most in a single playthrough again if you’re going for Devon or Thomas as their outfits match Jason’s. You need at least 20 LoM.
Expenses: $120 per Outfit (It is 50% off for your first playthrough though, so one will just be $60 for you)
Special Scene Cost: 120 Gems per special scene.

Outfits: 2. The Red Dress Outfit is for Roy and Amanda, the Green Pants outfit is for Devon, Thomas, and Jason.

Taki Outfit: Alluring Feathers

You can find Uncle Archibald at the Park after finishing up at the Cafe. You must pick An achievement is a bit much… But it’s going well, yes! to get the outfit.

You can find my playthrough for the episode here.

The episode takes place a couple of days after the last episode. It kicks off in the office with Elenda talking about missing something and asking what Brune is doing. It turns out Castiel is serving at the Cosy Bear Cafe and Elenda really wants to go.

• (I have to admit that I’m a fan too.) /
• (It’s nice to add to a playlist every once in a while.) /
• (Even if I must say that their music isn’t really my style.) /

Alas, it ended up becoming a group activity so you’re all going. After more dialogue, leave the office. Head to Main Street then the Alley.

If you did Roy’s Illustration route last episode, you have a bonus choice before making it to the Cafe Terrace to discuss what happened with Brune:

• (But I’d prefer to pretend as if nothing had happened. It’s easier…) -5 with Brune
• (I don’t know what to do, besides Roy may have already told her…) /
• (This would be a perfect occasion to talk to her about it…) +5 with Brune

Regardless of what you pick, you’ll have a short conversation with Brune who essentially says that it’s okay– after all, it was a game and you didn’t know.

Whether you have that choice or not, finally make your way to the Cafe Terrace to get to the Cosy Bear where you’ll get more dialogue.

Unfortunately, Castiel is already gone. Regardless, you decide to try and enjoy the cafe and you do still get a cameo in the end: The Default original Candy: Lynn! (As an aside, I really do wish they asked what our original Candy looked like and who she ended up with from LL and AL– I think that would have been a nice touch).

You will then be asked what you would like to drink.

• I’d like to try the catpuccino too, please. /
• A lemon tea, please. /
• I’ll have a hot chocolate, please. /

Thomas is recognized by her, and he admits to how he had a crush on her as a kid which is why he accompanied Iris so often. Lynn then goes off to get the drinks.

Amanda: I know people in a relationship who find much more than what it “costs” them.

• [Sweet] I think it’s actually more complicated than that. +5 with Devon and Thomas. / with everyone else.
• [Rebel] Clearly, it’s not worth it: it’s too much trouble. +5 with Elenda. / with everyone else.
• [Energetic] I agree with Amanda: it’s supposed to be easy. +5 with Amanda, Roy, and Brune. / with everyone else.

After a lot of dialogue about each other’s experiences with love and Roy and Brune breaking up and just staying friends, you’re asked about your own love life.

• [Rebel] Actually, I don’t really want to talk about it… +5 with Amanda. / with everyone else.
• [Sweet] It wasn’t much… Nothing exciting, anyway… +5 with Thomas and Elenda. / with everyone else.
• [Energetic] A rotten relationship. With a big jerk. +5 with Roy, Devon, and Brune. / with everyone else.

• (It’s out of the question of dating a coworker again.) /
• (I think I could be tempted, if an opportunity presented itself…) /
• (I hope that it won’t create drama in the future…) /

If you picked (I think I could be tempted, if an opportunity presented itself…):

• (My gaze turned to Amanda.) /
• (I flashed a small smile at Roy, almost in spite of myself.) /
• (My gaze met Devon’s.) /
• (I noticed that Thomas was looking at me.) /

Just as you’re about to get to work, Jason shows up.

Elenda: Yeah, well, his bedroom stories don’t really concern us…

• [Sweet] I agree, it’s his private life. +5 with Jason, Roy, and Elenda. -5 with Thomas. / with everyone else. ⬅ TOWARDS JASON’S ILLUSTRATION
• [Energetic] It still says a lot about him! +5 with Devon and Amanda, -5 with Brune, / with everyone else
• [Rebel] Us, not so much, but possible clients of his… +5 with Thomas, -5 with Jason, Roy, and Devon, / with everyone else.

Jason: As for me, I have work to do. I imagine we’ll meet again…

• [Energetic] Yes, let’s do that. Later! +5 with Jason, / with everyone else ⬅ TOWARDS JASON’S ILLUSTRATION
• [Sweet] (I turned away from him, might as well ignore him.) /
• [Rebel] If we could still prevent it from becoming a habit… -5 with Jason, / with everyone else

Jason will then leave, and we finally learn about why this rivalry exists, at least on Devon’s side.

After everyone splits up a bit for various Cafe tasks, you’re stuck watching everything and then you get your outfit choice.

Left Red Dress Outfit: Amanda and Roy
Right Green Pants Outfit: Jason, Thomas, and Devon

• (I put it down, and rubbed my hands together, ready to get back to work.) /
• (I stared at the screen for a moment…) /
• (Speaking of sexy singles…) / ⬅ TOWARDS JASON’S ILLUSTRATION

If you picked (Speaking of sexy singles…):

• (I should isolate myself a bit, just in case.)
• (I typed on my screen as fast as I could.) ⬅ JASON’S ILLUSTRATION
• (I snuck a quick look.)

Everyone will then return and it’s time to actually get to work! Which means you now have a 10-minute timer as you work.

After the timer ends, it’s time to head on home and this is where the Illustration choice comes in.

Amanda: Okay… [Name], how are you getting home? Do you want to share the ride?

• I’ll admit that I’m a little more enthusiastic about the idea of trying Thomas’ motorcycle… / ⬅ TOWARD’S THOMAS’ ILLUSTRATION
• I’ll admit that I’d enjoy a ride on the handlebars… / ⬅ TOWARDS DEVON’S ILLUSTRATION
• Thanks, but I’m going to take the bus, too… / ⬅ TOWARDS ROY’S ILLUSTRATION

Before heading to wherever you will be meeting your LI though, you have a chance to see Uncle Archibald for a new outfit for Taki! Make your way to the Park (Park Entrance and then the Park) to find him! You may need to go back and forth between the entrance and the Park if he doesn’t show up immediately.

Archibald: I learned that you’ve reached a first achievement in your new job? Congratulations!

• News travels fast! Who told you that? /
• An achievement is a bit much… But it’s going well, yes! / ⬅ CORRECT OPTION FOR TAKI’S OUTFIT
• Thank you! I did start off pretty strong! /

If you went with Thomas:

You’re heading to Main Street! Essentially, make your way back towards the Alley and you can find your way to Main Street from there.

• In the near future, maybe not. /
• I don’t know… maybe. /
• Yes, of course. I’m not going to stay stuck on that my whole life! /

• [Sweet] (I didn’t say anything. Besides, he could be thinking about something else…) /
• [Energetic] (Ironically, I looked at myself.) / ⬅ THOMAS’ ILLUSTRATION
• [Rebel] Everything okay? I’m not bothering you? /

After more conversing, the dialogue will converge.

If you went with Devon:

Make your way to the alley to find Devon’s bike.

Devon: You know, if you want to travel far…

• You should take care of your shoes. /
• You should keep your vessel well-oiled. / ⬅ DEVON’S ILLUSTRATION
• You should buy a new vessel. /

• I don’t think so. Not right away, in any case. /
• To be honest, I don’t know. /
• Hm… Frankly, I think so yes, but… /

After more conversing, the dialogue will converge.

If you went with Roy:

Make your way to Sweet Amoris to catch the bus.

The first choice here seems to vary based on if you took the bus with Roy last episode.

Roy: However, we might be a little squished…

• [Rebel] It’s not too late to take a cab. /
• [Energetic] That doesn’t bother me at all! /
• [Sweet] I guess you won’t mind mingling with the crowd… / ⬅ ROY’S ILLUSTRATION

• I… let’s say that I haven’t closed that door definitively. /
• Yeah, I think so… But I’ll probably be more prudent. /
• No. Not for a while, I think. /

After more conversing, the dialogue will converge.

If you went with Amanda:

Make your way to shop street (Park Entrance then Shop Street) to catch your Cab.

• I mean, if you don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to force you… / ⬅ AMANDA’S ILLUSTRATION
• Okay, if you want to keep secrets… /
• (I didn’t insist. I turned to look out the window.) /

Amanda: Have you ever fallen for a girl, [Name]?

• Maybe… /
• Yeah, plenty of times! /
• No, not really. /

If you picked the right choices, the right outfit, and have high enough LoM, during this conversation is when you would get the illustration.

• Frankly, I don’t think so.
• I think so, yes.
• You can always consider something… /

After more conversing, the dialogue will converge.

Now that Candy has gotten home, it’s time to feed Taki. Head to your house to do so.

After more monologuing, the episode ends. You’ve also unlocked a new “minigame” as well on your Desk.

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