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– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM
Any without one of the symbols above means I don’t know. Some dialogue may be translated from my French account.
Action Points used: 2,100-2,800+. Due to how personality can change prices, it’s a bit harder to calculate.
Illustrations: 5 – You can only receive 1 Illustration per playthrough. Do your best to hit every positive (or at least more than half) for your love interest as “having enough” LoM this episode is apparently determined by how many positive answers you picked and not your overall LoM with the LI.
Expenses: $135 per Outfit (It is 50% off for your first playthrough though, so one will just be $67 for you)
Special Scene Cost: 120 Gems per special scene.
Outfits: 2. Young Heart (Pink jacket, blue skirt) is for Devon, Thomas, and Roy. Mature Attitude (Red top, black skirt) is for Amanda and Jason.
Taki Outfit:
You can find Uncle Archibald at Main Street before you head back to the office after picking your outfit (Objective: “Go to Devenementiel for another day at the office!”). You must pick “What was her name?” to get the outfit.
You can find my playthrough of Episode 9 over here!
The episode starts off in the meeting room.
• [Sweet] I agree, that’s the image I have too. +5 with Amanda and Elenda, -5 with Thomas and Roy
• [Rebel] You say that because you don’t know my sister. +5 with Thomas and Brune, -5 with Devon and Amanda
• [Energetic] Plus, they have good energy! +5 with Roy and Devon, +10 with Elenda, -5 with Brune
• [Energetic] That’s also why you love us! +5 with Devon, Amanda, and Elenda. -5 with Brune. / with everyone else
• [Sweet] You’re exaggerating, we’re usually quite well-behaved! +5 with Roy, +10 with Elenda, -5 with Thomas
• [Rebel] That’s a good thing! Otherwise, we’d be bored… +5 with Thomas and Brune, -5 with Devon, Amanda, and Roy
After further discussion, you’ll head to your desk and monologue about the project Devon gave you.
• (I hope she likes things like that, otherwise it’s going to be rather disappointing.) /
• (I think that’s strange, but I won’t say anything.) /
• (I think that’s cute, it’s romantic…) /
You’ll then decide to take a break after making progress on it. Head to the cafeteria where you’ll run into whoever you have the highest LoM with.
If Thomas is your highest:
(It’s possible there is an additional dialogue here if you did not get his cafeteria scene in Episode 1 but end up with him as your highest asking about what you want.)
• [Energetic] And your other apps, what do they control? +5
• [Rebel] We should try to see what else we can hack… /
• [Sweet] And you’re not worried about getting in trouble? -5
If Amanda is your highest:
• (A tea will be perfect.) /
• (I made myself a coffee.) /
• (I want a nice hot soup.) /
• [Energetic] It’s possible! In my opinion, we’re going to have fun! +5
• [Rebel] At worst, we just don’t have to volunteer as their internship supervisor. /
• [Sweet] You don’t seem too thrilled to have them here… -5
If Roy is your highest:
• I’m going to make a coffee. Do you want one? /
• I’m going to have a cup of soup. Do you want one? /
• Should I make you a cup of tea along with mine? /
Roy: I’ve taken them to the beach with Devon, when we were their age.
• [Energetic] Oh right! It’s true that you’ve known them forever! +5
• [Rebel] It’s more a question of context… -5
• [Sweet] Do you have any brothers or sisters? /
If Devon is your highest:
• Is there any tomato soup left?
• I’ll have a coffee.
• A tea would be great.
• [Energetic] But I’m excited to meet your brothers! +5
• [Sweet] Did they ask you, or did you offer? /
• [Rebel] And you’re not scared they’ll slow us down? -5
After more dialogue, you’ll make your way back home.
• [Sweet] I’m sure you’ll beat her eventually. +5 with Tasha
• [Rebel] Frankly, I don’t understand anything about your game, it doesn’t interest me. -5 with Tasha and Zahra
• [Energetic] Congratulations, Mom! Keep it up! +5 with Zahra
Tasha: I was, actually. It’s crazy, you read me like an open book.
• [Rebel] Maybe it’s because you’re less subtle than you think… -5 with Zahra
• [Energetic] Come on, spit it out! -5 with Tasha and Zahra
• [Sweet] That’s so true! I wonder why…! +5 with Tasha and Zahra
• I’m sorry, but you’re a little late… /
• You can’t be serious?! The evening before you’re supposed to start?! -10 with Tasha ⬅ TOWARDS JASON’S ILLUSTRATION
• I think if I call Devon now it should be possible… / ⬅ TOWARDS ONE OF THE OTHER LI’S ILLUSTRATIONS
If you picked “I’m sorry, but you’re a little late…”:
Tasha: Even if it’s not that late, but if you really think it’s impossible…
• Well… Okay, I’ll give it a try. / ⬅ TOWARDS ONE OF THE OTHER LI’S ILLUSTRATIONS
• Yes, really. I’d prefer not to bother him now. / ⬅ TOWARDS JASON’S ILLUSTRATION
Depending on your choices here, either Tasha will get the internship at Devenmentiel if you agreed to talk to Devon or she’ll get it at Golddreamz if you don’t help her out.
After more dialogue, head to your bedroom to get some sleep.
You’ll wake up the next morning (either by Tasha or by yourself) and head down to have some breakfast before making your way outside to catch your bus.
Once you make it to the office, Devon will greet you [and Tasha] before bringing you [both] to the meeting room.
After more dialogue, you will get a 5-minute timer while you wait for Brune to arrive.
• [Rebel] Maybe we aren’t going to applaud every time…? -5 with Amanda and Roy, +5 with Thomas and Brune
• [Energetic] Great! You’re going to have fun, you’ll see! +5 with Roy, +10 with Elenda, -5 with Thomas and Devon
• [Sweet] (This time, I started a round of applause.) +5 with Amanda, Devon, and Elenda. -5 with Brune
• [Energetic] No problem! Welcome to the team, kids! /
• [Sweet] Definitely! /
• [Rebel] If you’re already thought about the question, I see no reason to refuse… /
• Roy, I got the impression that you wanted to volunteer… ⬅ TOWARDS ROY’S ILLUSTRATION
• What do you say, Amanda? Do you want to be my co-supervisor? ⬅ TOWARDS AMANDA’S ILLUSTRATION
• Technically, Devon, you’re the oldest member of the team… ⬅ TOWARDS DEVON’S ILLUSTRATION
• Thomas, do you want to be my partner? ⬅ TOWARDS THOMAS’ ILLUSTRATION
If you’re going for Jason, who you pick here doesn’t matter. After more discussion, you’ll end up working with the new interns in the meeting room with whoever you picked for your partner.
• Never mind, that doesn’t make sense… /
• It’s okay if you don’t have any questions. /
• Or we can move on to what’s next. /
If Tasha is NOT there:
Gebril: So, normally we’d go with my idea…? • Yes, that’s what I started with too. |
If Tasha is there:
Gebril: So, normally we’d go with my idea…? • Yes, that’s what I started with too. |
• That’s exactly what we expected of you, to offer as many things as possible. /
• A lot of them are unusable, obviously…
• And there are several that deserve serious reflection. /
After more dialogue, Elenda will pop in to take the Interns for a break.
If Thomas is your partner:
• [Energetic] Once you find the right person, it must go very quickly! -5 with Thomas
• [Sweet] But… That’s pretty common, right? Ten years of marriage isn’t… /
• [Rebel] We don’t know if they love each other, we just know that they are married… +5 with Thomas
If Amanda is your partner:
• [Energetic] Clearly, it does some good! I find it refreshing! /
• [Sweet] Oh, I thought you would have been a big fan of “marriage”… +5 with Amanda
• [Rebel] I’m always worried that it’ll turn into something cheesy… -5 with Amanda
If Roy is your partner:
Roy: You must think I’m being ridiculous? Too cheesy?
• [Energetic] Not at all! I completely agree with you! /
• [Sweet] Not at all! On the contrary! +5 with Roy
• [Rebel] I wouldn’t say “cheesy”. -5 with Roy
If Devon is your partner:
Devon: That’s sort of what you hear everywhere… And they’re still young.
• [Energetic] Hahaha! “Their generation”?! They’re less than ten years younger than us! /
• [Sweet] I think it’s just the codes that are changing, the romance remains. +5 with Devon
• [Rebel] Just because you hear it everywhere doesn’t make it true… -5 with Devon
After finishing discussion with whoever you partner is, you go to meet up with Elenda and the Interns to take a break as well. Once the break is over, you pretty much get a summary of how the rest of the day goes and then head home.
You’ll have more dialogue with your family before heading to bed. The next day, you’ll pick your outfit.
Young Heart (Pink jacket, blue skirt) is for Devon, Thomas, and Roy. Mature Attitude (Red top, black skirt) is for Amanda and Jason.
Then you’ll head downstairs. After you leave to get the bus, when you get to the Shopping Area where the office is, you have a chance to meet Uncle Archibald for a new outfit for Taki! Make sure to go to Main Street (you may need to go back and forth a bit) to find him.
Archibald: She loved it when I massaged her while she drank a barrel of beer!
• I didn’t even know there were pig competitions…
• We can agree that you’re making that up…?
Once done, or if you didn’t care to get the outfit, head to the office for the next Intern Day. If you didn’t help Tasha out, you will need to take a half day on the final Intern Day to head over to Golddreamz to sign the Intern Papers as your mom is busy.
Either way, you’ll get to work and then end up taking the Interns to the Restaurant you helped out with in Episode 2 along with whoever your partner is. You will have a 15-minute timer while you enjoy your meal.
After the meal, you make your way back to the office. You’ll then essentially fast forward a bit towards the end of the week.
If you didn’t help Tasha (aka the Jason Illustration Route):
You need to head over to Golddreamz in order to sign some papers for Tasha.
• [Rebel] You didn’t have time to do that before I got here? +5 with Jason
• [Energetic] I don’t think we’re in an ordinary situation. -5 with Jason
• [Sweet] Tasha, do you want to talk about your internship? /
Jason: But above all, that you would surely do much better than her.
• [Rebel] Hmm. That’s pretty clever. But I can’t use that. +5 with Jason
• [Energetic] I’m so happy that I don’t work for you…! -5 with Jason
• [Sweet] That’s good, that’s healthy… /
• Thanks for confiding in me. /
• Your father must have been very proud of you. /
• And… Do you still do that? ⬅ TOWARDS JASON’S ILLUSTRATION
Jason: Do you find that strange?
• Hmm? No not at all! /
• Even though I know that children can be different from their parents. /
• Yes… You’re not really what I had in mind for an oceanographer’s son! / ⬅ TOWARDS JASON’S ILLUSTRATION
If you did help Tasha:
You sign the papers in Devon’s office. After overhearing some conversation between Tasha and whoever you partner was, you give her the form so she’ll be on her way while you finish up some things. You end up talking to your partner about what they were like as a teenager and then essentially try to recreate your moment.
If Thomas is your partner:
You go to get candy and then head to the park to go on the swings.
• You confessed your mistake: I forgive you. /
• What?! How dare you lie to me?! /
• Yeah, I understood… / ⬅ TOWARDS THOMAS’ ILLUSTRATION
He’ll then walk you home before the two of you part ways.
If Amanda is your partner:
You end up in your room with Amanda.
Amanda: It’s always strange to go in someone’s room…
• Yeah, right? I’ll admit that I don’t get much company here… / ⬅ TOWARDS AMANDA’S ILLUSTRATION
• I don’t know, it’s been a while since that’s happened to me. /
• You think so? I don’t know… /
If Roy is your partner:
You go to the park.
Roy: Are you full?
• Clearly. I think my break will last until tomorrow. / ⬅ TOWARDS ROY’S ILLUSTRATION
• No, no! I’m not going to let a stupid burger beat me! /
• Do you think you’re gonna eat my monster burger? No way, I’m finishing it! /
If Devon is your partner:
You’ll go to a treehouse in the Park.
• Hmm… Did you come here to meet your high school conquests? /
• It’s pretty far away just to smoke in secret… /
• So, what did you do here… exactly…? / ⬅ TOWARDS DEVON’S ILLUSTRATION
And that’s the end of the episode.