Beemoov Merchandise Wishlist

So, I’ve been trying to find… all kinds of past merchandise which lead me to stumbling upon other stuff, but essentially for my own research purposes and things…

Thus, I’ve found a handful of things I’d love to own. IF ANYONE IS SELLING OR KNOWS SOMEONE SELLING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP. I’d love to buy it from you/them! I also have some of the newer merchandise, I could possible trade if interested? Again, just let me know!

If you or the person you know are not comfortable with shipping things outside of your country/to the US, I can find a middleman in the same country who can ship it instead. 

My Candy Love stuff:

Hover over items for details. I’m only looking for the merch featuring Armin despite the pictures shown!)

Would consider, but very low priority:


Absynthe Keychain:


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